A Comedy in Three Acts
By Moss Hart and George S Kaufman
Directed By Jack Gritzmacher And Jane Gilness
Presented by permission of Dramatists Play Services, Inc The Eveleth-Gilbert Drama Department

     You are about to enter another world. A world full of fun where people do exactly what they want to do, when they want to do it, and there is no question asked. This world is the home of Martin Vanderhof. It is a home of ballet dancing, playwriting, candy making, xylophone playing and fireworks.  This is where the Sycamore Family resides. You will soon enter this world and see the Sycamore Family going about their daily lives, with a few hilarious obstacles thrown in their path. For if at first the Sycamores seem mad it doesn't take us long to realize that if they are mad the world is madder.

     This spring, a cast of seventeen talented actors from Eveleth-Gilbert and Virginia  have been working hard to create this world, and they have done a wonderful job. They have given their all to this show and for that we would like to thank them.  We also thank the members of the crew who dedicated their time to the production of the show.  Congratulations on a job well done, for without you the show could not happen.

     Now we would like for you, the audience, to hold onto the quote above from
You Can't Take It With You while you are watching the show. You see, you are about to enjoy a show full of zany characters, funny jokes, and a very important lesson. The lesson is for us all to relax and enjoy life. So we ask you to sit back, relax and enjoy the show.
                                       -The Directors
"The world's not so crazy... it's the people in it. Life is kind of beautiful if you just relax" Next Back