Cast List

            To all who auditioned, the production team extends a heart-felt "thank you!" To those who were not cast, there are plenty of behind-the-scenes positions still available. If you are interested, contact . Our first read-thru will take place Wednesday (9/13) at 3:30 PM in room 238 (Mr. Gritzmacher's room). Scripts will only be issued to those who bring the $50 activity fee (check payable to ISD 2154).

Dotty Otley /Mrs. Clackett (40's-50's) Has-been sitcom star, known for playing batty housekeepers. A little bit diva. Likes attention, and younger men  (The Brent's Houskeeper)
Rachel Phillips
Lloyd Dallas /Director (30's-40's) Urbane and frazzled director. Gets a little friendly with female members of his cast and staff (Act 3 plays the burglar)
Noah Gettle
Garry Lejeune /Roger Tramplemain (20's-40's) Leading man type, having a relationship, of sorts, with Dotty. When he talks, has trouble finishing know... Always acts before he thinks;   (Boyfriend of Vicki)
Eric Gunderson
Brook Ashton /Vicki (20's-30's) The ingenue. Runs around in her underwear a lot. Plays a "clueless blond"- not a stretch;
Laura Pershern
Poppy /Asst Stage Manager (20's) Lloyd's assistant and Gal Friday, in more ways than one;
Hallie Muhich
Frederick Fellowes /Philip Brent (30's-40's) Insecure, emotionally fragile. Always trying to help, and always making it worse; (Flaivia's Husband)
Andrew Eilola
Belinda Blair /Flavia Brent (20's-40's) The just-a-little-too-sweet emotional cheerleader. Always knows the best gossip, and always getting in the middle;
Marcie Killian
Tim Allgood /Stage Manager (20's) Oppressed stage manager and all-around techie. Lives his life in desperate need of sleep.
Ben Frey
Selsdon Mowbray /Burglar (50's-60's) Ex-Shakespearean actor down on his heels, probably due to his love of things that come in bottles. A little hard of hearing;
Karl Carter
Fanny Oxfam "non-speaking" company member
Annie Marolt

Jack Gritzmacher
Technical Director
Jeremy Liimatta
Stage Managers
Brett Giddings
Jon Kwiatkowski

Poster And Program Design
Jeremy Liimatta

Sound & Light Design
Jeremy Liimatta
Set Design
Jeremy Liimatta
Set Construction & Painters
Annie Marolt
Stephanie Schneider
Brett Giddings
Jon Kwiatkowski
Karl Carter
Noah Gettle
Eric Gunderson
Laura Pershern
Hallie Muhich
Marcie Killian
Ben Frey
Blake Seigel
Box Office Personnel
Annie Marolt
Stephanie Schneider
Chelsea Filipovich
Kiesha Clinton
Jacque Clinton