
To all who auditioned, the production team extends a heart-felt "thank you!"

Read-thru: 3:30 pm via Zoom, next Wednesday December 2nd


On the wild rocky islands north of Scotland it is told 'round the peat fires that the selkies transform into beautiful lasses on Midsummer's Eve and dance on the beach, celebrating the dual nature of the seal people—land and sea. Selkie chronicles the story of 16-year-old Elin Jean as she discovers a hidden pelt that unlocks a mystery foretold and is set on a path to find "the knowin'" she desperately seeks.   ~Dramatic Publishing

Cast List
(In order of appearance)

Pa Duncan's Falter Brennan Muhich
Margaret Late 20's lovely pale skinned Ellie Norvitch 
Ellen Jean Brown haired daughter of Duncan and Margaret 13 yeares old, Webbed Hands Dani Logan
Duncan A Crofter early 30's Jake Bradach
Tam A Traveler (gypsy) lad of 14 with black eyes and a keen sense of mischief Dylan Celley
Black Hair one of the selkie-folk women with long black hair Sophia Peterson 
Red Hair one of the selkie =folk women with long red hair Daisey Borden


Jack Gritzmacher
Technical Director
Jeremy Liimatta
Stage Manager
Sophie Statsman


Assistant SM
Natalie Petron