The Women of Lockerbie

To all who auditioned, the production team extends a heart-felt "thank you!"
Upon final casting scripts will only be issued to those who pay the activity fee $65.

Cast List

American Characters:
Madeline Livingston (45-55)…obsessed mother from New Jersey desperately trying to find any trace of her lost son Adam. Ellie Norvitch
Bill Livingston (45-55)…Madeline’s husband who has come to Lockerbie with his wife to attend a solemn vigil. Jake Bradach
George Jones (35-60)…a U.S. Government official. He has been sent to shut down the memorial service and burn the 11,000 articles of clothing and personal items that survived the tragedy. Dylan Celley
Scottish Characters:  
Olive Allison (50-65)…a no-nonsense woman who is the leader of the “Laundry Project”. Rebecca Muster
Hattie (40-60)…a cleaning lady at the warehouse. She provides the comic relief. Daisy Borden
Women (25-55)…they function as the support system for the “Laundry Project” and as a “Greek Chorus”. Sophia Peterson
Ryan Sampson
Delia Ray
Anna Marie Fierst



Jeremy Liimatta
, Chris Chad

Stage Manager
Brennan Muhich

Haley Kotnik
Cece Virant
